i was pondering…

Maybe one of these days ill have the gal to actually practice what i preach.  Just the other day, I had just finished dishing out some of my well known suedo wisdom no sooner than i  came to the frank realization that I was back to the drawing boards suffering from my own self anguish and depressivness. All the while knowing that it was wrong still couldn’t seem to snap myself out of it. How can i possibly be on a path to righteousness if every time i fall off the so called “horse” it takes me a week or two just to pry myself out of the mud The whole idea of self, and spirituality is really one of necessity. We in society have a nasty little habit of perceiving these notions as delusions of grandeur and in general insane.  Oh there are so many problems in the world, people are suffering, there is a war going on. In truth that misleading concept of unhappiness is one of utter laziness and lack of self confidence. If you or I ever want to make an actually difference it shouldn’t start with compassion for others but rather the coexistence of yourself with i guess your spirit. If enough of us really lived like we know we should, I think that we could make an impact on everyone else and make some progress.

Things look brighter now

soul of healingI only have one more thing to take care of. Its such a good feeling letting go of pain and sadness. this whole mess over the roommate situation has gone on far too long. For a while there it seemed as though i was caught in some karmic rift floating in the time space continuum. Its almost like Karma does just that. The fact of the matter is that karma really is targeting only those who will listen. I guess as far as cosmic rules go karma is a lot like “life”. I mean we all know that life Is, and will always be. Free to Flourish and transform and manifest into whatever it sees fit for the task at hand. Same goes for the law of karma i guess, well at least in my story it does. I think the fact that karma is always around us positively and negatively is absolutely true. However we as humans are only within existence for a meager blip on the timeline. So that being said Karma may and should not only be affective in this form of being.  Seeing as it is a form of greater being and power than that of what we even as spiritual beings, knowingly see as real. Maybe for those of us conscious to our karmic footprint, there is a greater affect on our perception. Meaning, People acting on negativity who theoretically have therein-forth rippled the cosmic pond, may not see the affects karma has directly on them. Those people may not view what happens to them in accordance as a karmic affect. There inlays the dilemma of how good things seem to happen to bad people, and bad things relentlessly happen to the good ones. The bad people in the world don’t intend on seeing karmic responses so they don’t. And for the rest of us hoping and praying that we do good, we expect to be punished in leu of our bad deeds. I may not be a skilled writer but i try to get my point across. Karma only makes an imprint on those who listen, and to the rest of them its just does its job and goes home.

So just another day

Today i made a point to be absolutly on top of everything that came my way. I tried my best to not worry about money, or paying my bills, or rather not being able to. I tried to let money come to me easily with little effort, and i made a point to pay everyone i came in contact with a blessing if not at least a compliment. I did this not for the bettering of others, but for me. I really feel better knowing that i have left little to no negitive impact on humanity today. Another thing I tried not to look so far into the future, being what i want to be doing 10 years from now. I have yet to reap the benifits of doing so, but im sure that it will help me focus on the here and now, I think western society is heading in the right direction with the whole “Green Movement”. I mean it really is starting to “politley” hold individuals acountable for their waste and “footprint”. that is the essence of humanity is the ideal that if you were able to hold yourself acountable and not place blame, than by general human nature you would want to better yourself and therefore better all of human kind.oceans of ectacy by deepak chopra

made some progress today

Well after a rough week at the home pad, (will go into depth later) today was the first day in a long time i actually felt accomplished. I Fixed the dryer that was donated to us by an old friend so now we can Finally  mow though the rolling hills of laundry we have strune about our closet floor. It only took two trips to the Home depot but everything worked after some elbow grease.  Ive also been having some trouble with the old Audi for a couple of weeks now, and yep that’smy other topic of success today. My car has always been a weak point for me. I guess its due to the feeling of helplessness when i think about not being able to support myself without a reliable mode of transportation. My best friend always tells me to stop blowing automotive  issues out of hand and for the most part I’ve listened. Instead now i just constantly badger him to check everything out and make sure my babys running nice and smooth. Ha that’s what he gets!! Well the other day i was very positive that my sweet Audi needed thousands of dollars and hours of labor to fix. turns out all it needed was a 40 dollar vacuum valve and about seven minutes to install it . Amazing!! That’s what i get for staying on top.


the rich get richer. the poor get poorer. i don’t know… maybe. it’s true to an extent. you can come from nothing and make it to the top of the foodchain, if you’ve got the dedication and the motivation to never give in. at the same time you can go from millionaire to homeless due to one false move or bad decision. but yeah generally speaking, the rich do get richer and the poor do get poorer.

the only way to make it is to stand out… break the mold.

Coffee anyone?

So earlier tonight kyoto and i were at the “mart of wal-” getting a coffe maker. We get back here, take it out of the box, and plug it for tomor… well, today actually. Anyway, i put the empty coffee maker shaped styrofoam packaging block back into the box to throw it away. Then I got a funny idea. I want to take it back to w-mart and try to return it, and when they ask why, I’ll open the box, pull out the styrofoam, and show him that the box was empty. If he trys to rationalize how i could actually make it out of the store with an empty box, without realizing that the box was, in fact empty, then i’ll just play dumb and be like, “how was i supposed to know the box was empty? am i supposed to know how much a f#@king coffee maker weighs, or should i just open everything that i even consider buying?!?” I think it might work if i play dumb hard enough. right….?

Im so glad its 105

Its getting to the point of the summer where all of us here in north texas dont even want to walk the 15 feet out to our parked cars. Not from the blistering desert conditions, but for fear that getting in your car will actually toast your skin, much like the Turbo toaster that crips up your cold cut combo at subway. ouch.

does anybody else want to

So me and my trusty business partner are steadfast trying to mastermind the uber complexities of the www. I get this feeling of dwarfism just reading about “css” and “cpm,cpc,or adsense”. I don’t see it yet but Ill be damned if we don’t figure it out. I obviously  have absolutely no prior experience with the worldwide web aside from brief bouts of xanga and myspace. Oh yeah and i did take that HTML class in …7th grade. Well So I think were going to talk with some elders on the subject. Justins uncle owns a website called web-jive.com and with any sort of luck we will walk away with a numb brain from all the insight he has for such green webmasters. In retrospect we should probably not refer to ourselfs as “webmasters” but rather a not so flatering term “web-minors”. I will have to get back in later posts on the puzzling mystery as to how we managed to get to a place in life where we are so desperate for success that we resort to “relevent ad clicks” to pay the bills. those of you just tunning in make sure and come back while explain exactly how a twice over college dropout and a bearer of a handy GED are going to become e-moguls.

Today is one of those days…

This morning well more like this afternoon when i woke up, the sun was shinning the air was nice and fresh and my beautiful girlfriend was already wide awake. The wonderous feeling of relaxation. After i meandered out of the cloud of white sheets I got jessie to buzz my hair. Took a shower, then ate a turkey sandwich.  fucking not bad at all.

this is us “blogging”

I have no idea how america became so overweight?